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Censorship and Freedoms

Writer's picture: Barry 'fuso' SantBarry 'fuso' Sant

Rioting is the voice of the unheard’ ~ Martin Luther King

Violence is never the way, but when you take away freedom of speech and protesting gets shut down with no media coverage or debate, understand this politicians what else is left for the people to get heard.

Today, Goggle & Apple have threaten or have already taken down the ‘Parler App’ a free speech alternative social media. Why because millions of people are moving away from the likes (no pun intended) of the corrupted far left controlled Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and they are scared of losing control and the money harvested by selling your data.

There is no real difference in the UK, it’s just not so obvious than the US. Labours Keir Starmer has continuously said that he wants laws in place to stop anti-vaxers from publishing and distributing anti-vax material. Rather than understanding that some of the public are extremely scared of vaccinations as there has been many adverse affects on children and adults over the years, but in my opinion generally for the greater good.

However, instead of discussing it with experts on both sides, not just their hand picked experts who preach to us in a condescending manner, people can make a considered conscious choice and take accountability for that choice, but instead they try do everything possible to silence them.

This is a brand new vaccine(s) which has apparently (lets not open that can of worms) had less than 1 year in the making, it is absolutely impossible to know the side affects in 1, 2, 3, 10 years time.

Of course this also suits the Conservatives, so they are happy to play along. I am neither Labour or Conservative, right or left but I am aware I have just alienated the majority of the population haha.

Freedoms, are what I am concerned about, without our freedoms or at least the perception of freedom then we become our own slaves, in total control of the super powerful and rich. Once they start there will be no end, do you want to live in a society like China, where the government have absolutely total control of it slaves.

Facebookhave recently taken down certain videos that I have shared, they have censored posts, I have had a shadow/ghost ban and fact checked warnings from posting actual scientifically proven published studies by top professors and even 1 noble prize winner. While some maybe grateful for this censorship haha, others are not.

We have been leading up to this for years, the far left have dominated western global perceptions, telling us what we can or cannot think and say.

The left have infiltrated the mainstream and social media to control their own 'one' narrative and stop any debate or questioning of it. It has also been increasingly fed through to the corporate world and certain educational systems.

This is not a dig in anyway to the workers, the people, we are all just trying to make our way in life the best we can. This is a dig at the top of the tree, controlling our behaviours and thinking, to aid their own greed and ambitions, no matter what.

The most scary thing is that it has been done with relative ease, and all done by understanding basic social and tribal behaviours.

We are all social animals and the worst thing for social animals is not actually the fear of physical threats, but the dread of ‘rejection’ and on a lesser scale judgement from their tribe/peers.

It is genetically built in us over the 250,000 years of human evolution. As a baby we learn very quickly that without outside meaningful connections our survival chances are zero.

As an animal we are one of the most vulnerable species on the planet, we don’t have sharp teeth, we are not particularly big and strong, we don’t have a thick layer of fur to keep us warm, it takes us years to be able to look after ourselves.

Most animals can walk and eat within hours. Due to this human babies have to be looked after every second of the day and that's a lot of work for one individual. It's so much work they need a wider community to help them, so they can look after the baby's every need.

Humans need tribes for survival and with the help of a tribe and with a Pre Frontal Cortex and thumbs, we have become the most successful species that has ever walk on planet earth, and by doing so dominating all other species.

This is why rejection from meaningful connections (tribes) is the one and most dominating thing in most peoples lives, except for psychopaths of course.

Building and sustaining meaningful relationships usually dominates most people time, thoughts and actions. We only need to look at our own families, the most dominant person sets the rules and the rest follow. This is replicated in the wider society.

As our physical safety is relatively taken care of in the western world, for our leaders to maintain control of the masses they use emotional control and basic tribal psychological instincts.

By making sure their narrative becomes the most dominant they censor all opposing views, while constantly repeating their own narrative. After many repetitions, re-enforced by the appearance of trusted individuals the narrative becomes factual and a new belief develops within the majority of society.

Due to this and the paralysing fear of rejection everyone else follows. Sheeple is a common term used of late and it has negative cogitations, but are we not all sheeple following our tribal instincts.

This is divisive depending on want tribe you belong to and is very dangerous as the others can not see beyond their own tribe.

This is how easy it is too control and manipulate people, and why freedom of speech is so important so we get the whole picture, and not just one narrative. By seeing the whole picture it is easier to see where the corruption in our world is, as there is nowhere to hide.

People say freedom of speech has disappeared, but it really hasn't as we the people now have the power, more than any other time in history we have the opportunity to say our truths.

It's just that the 'left' have brought and control all the mainstream media and the Facebooks, Twitters, Youtubes etc. However, they can't keep us quite for long, all you have to do is just switch platforms, Parler, Rumble, Bitechute are the main alternatives where censorship does not exist, and even if they take down their apps, you can just type it in your browser and away you go. We can gain back control just by not using these corrupted organisations.

The one who controls perception, controls the world’.

Millions are moving over daily, if your interested in the whole picture or you want to express your own truth's without fear of censorship and being deplatformed then maybe take a look.

To my knowledge and unlike Facebook etc Parler do not sell any of your personal data to marketing companies and other agencies.

We are all ONE living in a world where our leaders and big business continue to divide the people, so they can conquer and feed their own greed.

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Seb Deignan
Seb Deignan
Oct 01, 2023

Can’t find Parler

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