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The God Game

Writer's picture: Barry 'fuso' SantBarry 'fuso' Sant

Updated: May 16, 2021

The creator is playing with us, like in a game. We are all expressions of the creator, but most of us are unaware of the game. There is good and evil in all of us, we are designed that way on purpose, so we can recognise duality and have the free will to choose and experience our own destiny or path. The objective of the game is purely for us to see the game itself and discern the right path for the evolution of humanity.

- fuso -

If we buy shit food to eat, putting money in the pockets of the shit food manufacturers then more shit food will be produced. If we buy organic food which is grown in a way that even supplements the earth’s soil for future food, and put money in those farmers pockets, then this will be the dominant source, enriching the lives of all that exist.

If we have a mind set that is constantly aware of this, every time we purchase anything in any industry, we will have the power to create any society we want. It will not matter who ‘so called’ governs us with their corrupt self servicing policies, these governor's would cease to exist in their current form. We the people have the power to change the world, not the governments or elite 0.0001%.

It is natural to always want more, it is inbred for the survival and evolution of our kind. But we have been manipulated away from our true nature or to put it another way from our divine path by desiring exactly what we don’t need.

It is my intuitive wisdom that we were created to desire more, but not for material things to feed our own comfort, self pleasures or ego but a desire to be more compassionate, more loving, more connected, to use our born instinct and wisdom to discern the correct path for the benefit of everyone and everything around us.

A great example of this would be the native American Indian ideals with their understanding of the connections with everything around us. Similar ideological perspectives can be found with the ancient Yogis and Daoist where we are independent but all interconnected with all that exists, oneness.

Somewhere along the line we have lost sight of this, and the evil amongst us or within us has taken full advantage of this for centuries. More money, more power, more control and more status.

Were you happy when your colleague got the promotion at work instead of you. Did you think negatively towards them and thought you deserved it more? If so, it is this type of conditioned thinking that is why we are where we are. ‘They’ didn’t enslave us, we have enslaved ourselves, through lack of awareness.

What a world it would be if you gifted your work colleague the job you so desperately wanted for yourself so they could prosper from your compassion. Wow I wonder what a sacrifice like that would do for your soul and fulfilment.

Over the years we have created a society in which we have learnt to obey, which of course is another way of not taking accountability of our thoughts, actions and lives. We certainly must not question the wisdom of the ones that are in the illusionary control. I said illusion as it’s only a perception of control, the real control lies comfortably with the masses, the people. However, we have been purposely educated in a way that has totality disempower us and programmed us to always obey authority without question, even though we indistinctly know something is not quite right, we still obey.

The really clever aspect of this programming is that we actually feel in control. By voting our leaders, councils and school boards etc. It is a false empowerment because each side are of the same coin, and anyone who is from the outside gets crushed immediately.

Our conditioning is our sub-conscious, now let me ask a question, do you consciously have control over your sub-conscious? Unfortunately for 97% of people are only fully conscious 5% of the day, so the answer is no. If your sub-conscious is responsible for all of your emotions, re-actions, fears and perceptions, one could argue that you have no conscious control at all, we just live in the illusion that we have, because admitting the truth is way to scary.

For all that are aware of this go through a painful and sometimes extremely painful transition, but when through the other side and into the light, it is one special moment. Completely liberating, the lightness fills the 'emptiness' which was once heavy and full. This enables you the ability to step back and not instantly react with emotion, so we have time to recognise our sub-conscious conditioning and react fully consciously, flipping the percentage to 95% of the day.

By supporting their corrupt agendas and falling for their subtle and not so subtle psychology ‘marketing’ and ‘educating’ manipulations, we are willingly letting them take away our birth right, our sovereign power.

Whether this disempowerment is unconsciously or not, if this happens then they will always succeed, and in the past they always have. Repressing and dominating us in their cleverly disguised form of salivary, and have no doubt it is salivary that we the people have just excepted for the last two thousand years plus.

Why have we excepted it, because its the way its always been. Which is what I am talking about, they have taken away all our sovereign power. The illusion of hopelessness is what they want, which is why we live in the world we have right now.

It's not all doom and gloom, millions of people are starting to wake up, due to the brave individuals willing to stand up against them. Putting themselves in harms way and being ridicule and rejected by their own family members, friends and love ones, to fight for truth and for our children's future. Ironically, fighting for the freedoms of the ones that have ridiculed and rejected them.

I do sometimes struggle with why certain people are choosing to remain asleep, even with the mountain of evidence and the totally illogical bullshit the government comes out with. Is it to remain a victim of circumstance, if we are victim's then there's nothing we can do, absorbing all accountability, cognitive distancing comes to mind. Also judging our masters by our own compassionate standards, people cannot believe that other humans could be so cruel, so cannot get their heads around it. "But why"? you often hear them say. Hitler, Stalin, Mugabe, Kim II-Sung and Mao just to name a few - why indeed.

We have been repeatedly told of this salivary by government and corporate corruption for many years, especially from the music industry of old, with folks like Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, The Sex Pistols, John Lennon and many more. They all have highlighted this trying to get us to notice what is truly going on, so we can start breaking the illusions of perception.

Especially over the last 15 years the worlds sovereign people have been uprising against this disguised form of human slavery, where the people are taking back their power, from their once masters, intensifying humanities vibration which has resonated right over the planet - right here, right now.

We are coming full speed into the age of the ‘great awakening’ prophesised from all of the great uncorrupted traditions of old. By standing together we the people can decide the new world we want to live in, where the future generations will be in awe of our time. The people who transitioned the greatest spiritual awakening of any time in history, wow what a time to be alive.

Unfortunately there will be casualties and many of us and love ones will be left behind, so we need to educated them the best we can and quickly so we can bring/guide them along with us. Unfortunately some will not recognise it or it may well be too much for them to take. Being told that everything you once thought to be true is actually a lie, is one hell of a liver shot to the body. But we must always remember that everyone’s fate is in their own hands and we can’t force them to see what we see.

'Once seen, you cannot un-see it, even if sometimes you wish you could. It is what it is, and once you discover who you truly are, there is no going back.' - fuso -

Our current, and I feel soon to be former ‘masters’ recognise this vibrational movement and are doing everything in their power to disrupt this ‘Great Awakening’. By taking away whatever perceived freedoms you have left and heightening the sense of fear by using the world’s propaganda machine, the mainstream media. Paying off government puppets/officials and using government scientific advisors to convey the masters narratives, which of course has nothing to do with science at all. They use catchy and convincing slogans like 'Follow The Science' and 'Hand, Face, Space' have you noticed it's always in 3's. There is a very good reason for that, psychologist have used the 3's technique for all sorts of manipulations and marketing for years, it sinks into the psyche a lot easier. Whilst the real puppet masters who are pulling everyone's strings stay in the shadows for safety and away from the public eye and prosecution.

I do have a little compassion for these enforcers of salivary as most of them cannot connect the dots, or have been born and bred to take these positions of power unknowingly. But once they are no longer useful they are discarded by the one’s they thought would protect them. Having served their purpose they have been thrown into the hell fire.

Fear is all they have left and they know it, fear is their only way to keep the illusion of control. They are constantly pumping it out daily, feeding the fear with whatever they can using like the race card, gender, the 'me too' movement, religion, all these divisive narratives that really only exist in the media, just like terrorism. Using paid BLM and Antifa members to stir up things on the ground to try and divide us, in which the media are always conveniently there at the right time, to show and report all the divisions that don't really exist. However, many people can now see it for what it is as they have played it far to often, it is now having hardly any affect.

Do you hate, do the majority of your social circle hate? Look around your friends do they hate blacks, browns, whites, Muslims, Christians, Jews, gays etc. No of cause not, it only really exists in the media and in an insignificant minuscule fraction of a conditioned dying breed.

Sadly though, it is middle England or lets say the more academic ones of us who will find it more difficult to see the light and hindering the awakening process. They will need more time to come round, as generally but certainly not all have a heightened level of conditioning as their whole lives have been in the system.

The system being parents, obey - school, obey - college, obey - university, obey - work, obey, 2.4 children and a nice car to show the neighbours. For some it will be their arrogance and ego that create barriers to high for them to see over. It’s not really their fault, with a comfortable and contented lifestyle they have never really had the need to look over the wall, as long as they are doing well, that's what matters. But the quantum resonating effect of the awakened is starting to filter through at warp speed.

With the usual tricks and manipulation the once powerful elites are at their final push, they have gone all in shamelessly for total world control. But by doing so they have had no choice than to come out of the shadows and show themselves, together with their paid minions, highlighting themselves like neon lights in a strip club window for everyone to see the satanic whores that they are.

They are hanging on by a fine thread, but to rid the world of evil once and for all we need to understand the utmost importance of wakening up to Gods Game.

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