One of the main benefits of Standing Qigong postures is the quietening aspect.
Whilst performing static standing postures, there are no external movements involved, this is the actual beauty of this type of practice as it allows the mind space to create a deep inner awareness of the body and its energetics. It also brings a conscious awareness of our immediate surroundings and its effects upon our body and mind.
This provides the perfect conditions to facilitate the understanding of the connections between body, mind and the environment. One could say “It’s like reading the human body’s instruction manual”.
At a rudimentary level, it will highlight areas of tension within the body. This can be routinely traced back to your emotional past which has created stagnation within your physical tissues and energetic body.
As the awareness of the body, mind and environment increases, the importance of identifying these blockages is highlighted. You may not have consciously realised their presence beforehand, thus giving you the ability to start the releasing process.
Other forms of healing, although beneficial, can also be limiting. Massage for example, generally provides relaxation and can aid lymph drainage, but primarily manipulates the tension in the external tissues of the body. Meditation (which I would certainly recommend as a daily practice for all of us) has the possibilities to heal the majority of issues, but unfortunately needs a certain dedication and a certain expertise which most people choose not to acquire. However, meditation in its raw form (mindfulness) can be extremely beneficial for quality of mind and general balance.
If the basic principles of Standing Qigong is adhered to then you create the possibility of connecting with both body and mind at a deeper level simultaneously. This gives you more opportunity for dissolving and releasing the tensions.
Stilling the mind while in certain standing postures and concurrently having a conscious and a deep sense of relaxing into your being, activity opens your joints and energetic pathways, leading to a state of awareness that most people are unfamiliar with. This Enables harmonisation of the body, mind and also facilitates your Qi body to flow with greater ease. This will have a driving effect on any stagnated energy which can then be purged and cleared, whilst allowing the subtle Yin Yang changes to occur more harmoniously, maximising your human and alchemical potential.